Benefits of Membership
We Promote Trichology and Trichologists
We spread the word about what trichology is and what trichologists do.
Members can display the ART logo and certificate of membership at their business and on their promotional material. Since all ART members are expected to abide by the ART Code of Ethical Conduct, members can prove to their clients that they’ll treat them according to the highest ethical standards. A complaints resolution service is part of the Code.

Supporting Your Business and Career Development
We’ll support you in your business and career development. We give advice on starting a trichology business (available in the Member’s area), and members can use the ART logo on websites, business cards, promotional materials and windows.
All members have access to clinical support and queries can be sent direct to our vast bank of experts who can advise on referrals, or where appropriate, treatment options.
The ART Networking Events & Webinars
The ART holds networking events and webinars where Members can meet fellow practitioners and keep up to date with best practice. As a new organisation this is likely to start with national coverage, but grow with the organisation to regional events.

We Collaborate With Certified Training Providers
Collaboration with certified training providers is an important part of the ART’s work and the organisation will measure and assure the quality and consistency of trichology training for members.
We also represent the interests of trichology and trichologists to the public, professional and trade healthcare organisations and the media.